
A CRYPTOCURRENCY CONFERENCE is important today as Cryptocurrency is the talk of the day. This means that a large and diverse crowd is pulled to wherever cryptocurrency is the subject of discussion. The cryptocurrency world consists of diverse people and the location of individuals participating in the crypto economy cuts across all continents of the world.
Conferences are gatherings of people who share a common interest. When people gather for a conference they often do it for a purpose the most prevailing reason for conferences is to discuss topics in which each member is interested. Conferences are not completely formed other types of formal gatherings. The distinction is the way a conference is scheduled. Participants in conferences esteem the basis for such gatherings to such an extent that in most cases, they would do everything possible to attend. Conferences held in specific places at a specific time set by organizers.
Cryptocurrency conferences have been held in several countries of the world. The most prominent sponsor of many of these conferences is the World Blockchain Forum. The forum itself hosts the biggest event in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. The conference was held in London in September 2017. The agenda of this conference is not different from the trending issues bordering on the cryptocurrency space. The agenda of the conference also featured an exclusive dash conference was the unprecedented trend in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The topic was on looking at strategies to redesign the blockchain and cryptocurrency a step that was important but received little attention at a time when such steps are radically necessary.
Another conference was held in Amsterdam in 2017 bordering on the same subject. This conference, however, focused on the Initial coin Offering. It was the first of its kind in Europe. Dedicated to cryptocurrency crowd sales achieved much of the objective of the conference. Speakers at the conference included renowned players in the cryptocurrency space and offered tips on cryptocurrency crowd sales. It also alerted the attendees about regulatory issues and scam alerts in the cryptocurrency environment.
There are also a number of big currencies lined up for this year too. The Dubai International Blockchain Summit is one of them. The event would see blockchain and cryptocurrency investors from across the world gather in the Middle East to discuss the future of blockchain technology. The North American Bitcoin Conference is another conference where cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiast would gather. The London Blockchain Week is planned to be a 7-day long blockchain conference to be held featuring up to 70 unique speakers who would discuss the blockchain and distributed ledger technology. The train doesn’t leave Africa behind as a conference to examine the barriers to the uses and application of the blockchain holds in Johannesburg South Africa. Undoubtedly, the biggest of them all is this year’s World Blockchain Forum held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
There would be more conferences on cryptocurrency and the blockchain as time passes the current downward trend may be a result of the difficulty in adopting and accepting the newfound money the world has in digital currency.