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UK Trademark for Smartphone Crypto Wallet Filled by Samsung

Samsung has filed a trademark that suggests possibly integrating a crypto wallet into its smartphones. Reinforces reports that surfaced earlier this month, claimed that crypto integration was on Samsung’s agenda. The filing was submitted to the intellectual property office on Dec 27th.

UK Trademark Flown by South Korean Giant

Rumor has it that Samsung is on the brink of launching a crypto equipped smartphone. The filing of the trademark on Dec. 27 has added weight to the speculation that Samsung has crypto in its road map. The simply titled trademark “Samsung Crypto Wallet,” doesn’t reveal much details, but its name does say enough.

Crypto users will be left with questions, as a result of the filing. Two of the pressing questions being: is Samsung going to develop a standalone hardware or an integrated smartphone wallet? And does Samsung   really intend on developing the device in the hopefully near future?

It is a common practice for smartphones to file and register trademarks. However only a handful of these will result in a product being brought to market. On the same, another 42 trademarks from the Asian electronics manufacturer were also filled in the US.

With each new improvement of smartphones, technical improvements become less and new features less frequent. Addition of a crypto wallet gives manufacturers a chance of distinguishing their handsets from competition. This also gives crypto users a new gadget to drool over.

On the other hand, the HTC Exodus smartphone that is backed by crypto figures such as Charlie Lee was meant to ship this month, but it is yet to deliver. The bar for blockchain phones has been set pretty low. That said, should Samsung ride the tide and try its own crypto smartphone, it would stand an overwhelmingly good chance at becoming the most   popular handset devise of its kind.

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